This privacy collection statement is made by JaziNET. Included companies trading under the names Argonet, Breakfree, Brownbear, Conx, Conxx, D2, Ecomtel, Hotnet, Keynet, Maxnet, Nitronet, Optraweb, Reset, Resetdsl, Westserv, and ZCTS. If you want further details, please check out our Privacy Policy.
Why we collect personal information
We collect personal information:
Sometimes we can collect sensitive information to provide concessional discounts or in providing our products or services.
Consent to use personal information
If you provide us with personal information you give us express consent to disclose this information to our contractors, suppliers, affiliates, or agents, including those that are located outside Australia. Please ensure that if you provide another person’s personal information that you make them aware of our Privacy Policy.
Opting out of communications from us
To opt out of receiving marketing communications from us, please contact us on:
Australia: 1300 300 056
International: 1300 300 056
In writing:
Privacy Officer
PO BOX 2829, Malaga, 6944
Western Australia, Australia
If you receive email communications from us, you can opt out by selecting the unsubscribe function in your email. Please note that we may still be required to send you statutory communications as required under Australian law or contractual notices relating to your products or services. For example, notices of meeting to our shareholders or outage or fault notifications about your products or services. If you opt out, we will process your request as soon as reasonably possible.