
Keeping Children Safe Online

It’s National Child Protection Week, and this year’s theme, “Every Conversation Matters”, is a timely reminder of how powerful everyday chats with children can be – especially when it comes to their online lives.  

The online world offers incredible opportunities but also has its share of risks we need to educate children about. Think of it like teaching a child to ride a bike. You wouldn’t send them off without practice or a helmet. The same goes for the online world – we need to ensure children are prepared and protected before they start navigating it on their own. 

A growing concern in Australia and around the world is child sexual abuse online. It’s a tough topic, but it’s one we need to address head-on. This issue is affecting children of all ages, showing up in different ways like non-consensual sharing of intimate images, tech-facilitated child sexual abuse, sexual extortion and the grooming of a child with the intention to abuse them online or in person.  

With 11% of teens aged 14-17 reporting they’ve been solicited sexually online, it’s more important than ever to create environments where children feel safe to speak up – whether they’re at home or school. 

So, what can you do? The good news is that as parents, carers and educators, you can take practical steps to make a real difference. Our research shows that when we strengthen the support systems around children, we give them the best chance to stay safe online. 

To help you get started, in this edition you’ll find: 

Together, we can ensure children have the support they need to explore the online world safely. Let’s make every conversation count this National Child Protection week – and beyond  

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